It used to be that buying perfume meant having perhaps one or two choices on hand, which were the favorites. Now the trend has changed. Choosing the perfume for the occasion has become as important as what picking the clothing and accessories are. One of the reasons for this is because of the way that perfumes have evolved over the years. Fashion is a work of art, and consumers now realize that perfumes are as well. It has changed the way both men and women now go about choosing the ones that appeal to them.

For The Office Setting

Some offices are now restricting the use of scents, but there are still a great many which are not. To make sure that restrictions don’t take place, it is up to those who work there to choose their scents wisely. It means wearing scents that are light and refreshing and are not over powering. Manufacturers and perfume designers have made sure there are plenty to choose from. For women, an excellent choice is Michael Kors Perfume by Michael Kors. It possesses a light scent of flowers for sweetness and a hint of spice for balance. For the men,  a perfume with a spicy base that is clean and light is one that will not go wrong in the office setting.

For Casual Wear

Quite often, for casual events, they may take place in the outdoor setting. Choosing a scent that works well may be more dependent on the seasons as well. For warm summer outings, both the guys and gals want a perfume that is going to be refreshing and have some longevity to it. A popular choice for the men is those that have a woody scent with a touch of musk. Both of these scents support each other. The ladies can choose one of the many perfumes that are going to compliment the attire they may choose for casual wear. For the casual outdoor events during a summer season, one that has a slightly woody scent supported with a hint of lavender is a sure winner.

For Evening

The choice for perfume for evening wear can be much more daring. Choices here should be based on a specific occasion. For example, if it’s for a romantic evening with that special someone, then for the men, a good choice would be one that has strong scents of masculinity but is not going to clash with the scents that his lady may be wearing. The women can have so much fun choosing their evening perfume, but they must pay attention to where they are going to be and who they are going to be with. If they are going to be with their soulmate, then they will want to focus on scents that will be appealing to him. But, if their intent is on attracting a new man into their life, then they are going to want to choose a perfume that is sexy and alluring.

Choosing perfume just based on its aromas is no longer the trend. More thought is put into how the scents are going to pare well with the occasion. As well as the attire and this is the key to making a perfect choice. Here at Azura Runway, you will have many wonderful choices for finding the right perfume for the right occasion.

Sam Wood